4 events found.
Teen Take & Make Kits
Columbia County Library 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, EvansStop by the Teen Fiction Room to grab a craft kit to go. This month's kit will include supplies to make a Heart Bath Bomb! Ages 13+ Available only while […]
Adult Bingo
Burke County Library Auditorium 130 GA-24, WaynesboroJoin us for bingo & fun prizes!
Apple Health Apps on iPhone & Apple Watch
Columbia County Library | Classrooms B & C 7022 Evans Town Center Boulevard, EvansLearn to create a workout routine, rings, find your health data in one place, schedule your medications, and create a daily Move goal. iOS 18.
Microsoft Excel Basics
Columbia County Library | Classrooms B & C 7022 Evans Town Center Boulevard, EvansLearn the basics of Microsoft Excel including cell properties, Auto SUM, and creating a simple budget.