Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Library…
• a non-profit volunteer group of individuals, families and businesses that supports their county libraries
• stimulates public interest in the library and encourages use of its resources
• provides supplemental support not possible through tax dollars alone
What do the Friends do?
The Friends raise funds to provide local programs, services, and materials that the libraries are unable to provide. These projects and programs consist of:
• Guest author programs
• Booksales
• Children’s craft workshops
• Summer Reading programs
• Fundraising for books, equipment and services
• Holiday events and special occasions
• Recognition of library staff
Why join the Friends?
As a Friend, you’ll join a community of people who value their local libraries as much as you do. The Friends look forward to meeting you!
To join Friends, ask for information at any library branch or click here!
Friends of the Columbia County Libraries is a 501 (c) 3 organization.