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Teen Take & Make Kits

Columbia County Library 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans

Stop by the Teen Fiction Room to grab a craft kit to go. This month's kit will include supplies to make a Heart Bath Bomb! Ages 13+ Available only while […]

Beginner iPhone

Columbia County Library | Classrooms B & C 7022 Evans Town Center Boulevard, Evans

Topics covered include updating the iPhone to iOS 18, texting, stamps, keyboards, camera, new iOS 18 features, customizing the iPhone lock screen, Siri, and Unsend and Edit Text Messages on […]

Blender 2D Animation Basics

Columbia County Library | Classrooms B & C 7022 Evans Town Center Boulevard, Evans

We will learn how to use Blender 2D to make a simple cartoon. Topics covered include: basic drawing, keyframe creation, materials, and animation video export.