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Teen Take & Make Kits

Columbia County Library 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans

Finals stressing you out? This month's kit includes supplies to make your own pocket zen garden. Ages 11-18. Available only while supplies last!!

Event Series ESL Focus on Phonics

ESL Focus on Phonics

Columbia County Library 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans

Basic level ESL class for Non-English or limited English students who need additional help with phonics, reading and writing. Registration required, email

Young Makers

Columbia County Library | Classroom D 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans

This Makerspace program is geared especially for children ages 8-12. Kids will learn about science, engineering, and design with hands-on experiences.

Sip & Sketch

Columbia County Library | Meeting Room 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans

Sip mocktails and make art with us!