Columbia County Library
Raspberry Pi Computer Projects
Columbia County Library | Classrooms B & C 7022 Evans Town Center Boulevard, Evans, GA, United StatesJoin Alex and complete a tech project using a Raspberry Pi computer. Including setting up a breadboard, wires, and other components.
Emergency Preparedness
Columbia County Library | Classrooms B & C 7022 Evans Town Center Boulevard, Evans, GA, United StatesCome learn the basics of emergency preparedness and how to prepare for the worst with Alex.
Free TV with an Antenna
Columbia County Library | Classrooms B & C 7022 Evans Town Center Boulevard, Evans, GA, United StatesGain information on antenna setup, what to buy, what channels to expect, how to watch local news and DVR options with Alex.
Sassy Stitchers
Columbia County Library | Meeting Room 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United StatesA knit and crochet group who share patterns and advice with each other. All skill levels welcome! Ages 13+
Brown Bag Book Discussion
Columbia County Library | Classroom A 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United StatesThis lunchtime book club meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11:30 am in the upstairs classroom. This month's selection is The Book of Lost Names by Kristin […]
Alzheimer’s Support Group
Columbia County Library | Meeting Room 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United StatesA support group for caregivers and family members who have a loved one with dementia. Share your questions, concerns, fears, frustrations, or struggles with others who understand your journey.
We Love ‘YA Book Club
Goat Kick Coffee 935 Ronald Reagan Drive, Suite 101, Evans, Georgia, United StatesCome by Goat Kick Coffee to hang out and talk books with other teens! This month's book is: My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand. Ages 13+
Medicare Made Easy
Columbia County Library | Meeting Room 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United StatesLearn everything you need to know about Medicare in this workshop for seniors turning 65. Please RSVP by calling (678) 528-0373 or by visiting
Medicare Made Easy
Columbia County Library | Meeting Room 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United StatesLearn everything you need to know about Medicare in this workshop for seniors turning 65. Please RSVP by calling (678) 528-0373 or by visiting
Local Author Kemberley Higdon
Columbia County Library 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United StatesJoin us for a local author book reading with Dr. Kemberley Higdon as she reads from her debut memoir, White Socks. Books will be available for sale: $33 for hardback, […]
Cosplay Club
Columbia County Library | Classroom D 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United StatesJoin us for an hour of cosplay! Bring a project you have been working on and sit with us to craft and chat! Ages 13+