Teen - Evans

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  2. Teen - Evans

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Young Makers

Columbia County Library | Classroom D 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United States

This Makerspace program is geared especially for children ages 8-12. Kids will learn about science, engineering, and design with hands-on experiences.

Event Series NaNoWriMo Write-In

NaNoWriMo Write-In

Columbia County Library 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United States

Join your fellow WriMos in an evening of writing, chatting, and sprints. Ages 13+. Weekly meet ups will continue through November.

Teen Advisory Board

Columbia County Library | Classroom D 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United States

Drop by Classroom D to help us make our YA programs better. Help us improve while getting an hour of volunteer credit. On the agenda: Winter/Upcoming programs. Ages 13+

Event Series NaNoWriMo Write-In

NaNoWriMo Write-In

Columbia County Library 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United States

Join your fellow WriMos in an evening of writing, chatting, and sprints. Ages 13+. Weekly meet ups will continue through November.

Teen Drawing Club

Columbia County Library | Meeting Room 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United States

Grab your sketchbook or drawing gadgets for an afternoon of creativity. Feel free to work on your own projects or participate in group activities while meeting other artists in the […]

Event Series NaNoWriMo Write-In

NaNoWriMo Write-In

Columbia County Library 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United States

Join your fellow WriMos in an evening of writing, chatting, and sprints. Ages 13+. Weekly meet ups will continue through November.

We Love ‘YA Book Club

Goat Kick Coffee 935 Ronald Reagan Drive, Suite 101, Evans, Georgia, United States

Come by Goat Kick Coffee to hang out and talk books with other teens! This month's book is: My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand. Ages 13+

Cosplay Club

Columbia County Library | Classroom D 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United States

Join us for an hour of cosplay! Bring a project you have been working on and sit with us to craft and chat! Ages 13+

Event Series NaNoWriMo Write-In

NaNoWriMo Write-In

Columbia County Library 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United States

Join your fellow WriMos in an evening of writing, chatting, and sprints. Ages 13+. Weekly meet ups will continue through November.

PenCraft Guild

Columbia County Library | Meeting Room 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United States

A writers' group where you can discuss projects, write, or participate in challenges while meeting other writers. Meets every fourth Tuesday.


Columbia County Library | Classroom D 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United States

Drop by the library and create something with our maker technology collection. We have a 3D printer, graphics tablets, a laser cutter, sewing machines, laptops, and more! Ages 13+

Teen Take & Make Kits

Columbia County Library 7022 Evans Town Center Blvd, Evans, GA, United States

Stop by the Teen Fiction Room to grab a craft kit to go. This month's kit will include supplies to make a winter hat ornament. Available only while supplies last! […]